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Avian influenza H10 found in Stirlingshire
Livetec were called to a farm in Stirling, Scotland in March 2020, after a reported outbreak of avian influenza H10 affecting over 40,000 broiler breeder hens.
Bird flu H6N1 found on farm in Shropshire
Livetec's Operations team were quickly on site to this Shropshire farm after an outbreak of avian influenza H6N1 started spreading through the resident broiler breeder hens.
Livetec respond to AI outbreak in Co. Fermanagh
A third farm in County Fermanagh fell victim to low-pathogenic avian influenza H6N1, just days after the previous cases showing signs of a rapid outbreak.
Reported outbreak of bird flu in Co. Fermanagh
Low pathogenic avian influenza was detected on a farm in County Fermanagh in January 2020 after sweeping through a large number of brown breeder hens.
Avian influenza H6N1 found in Co. Fermanagh
Livetec team called to a farm in Northern Ireland to deal with an avian influenza outbreak affecting brown layer hens in three sheds.
Salmonella found in Killycloghan
In January 2020 the Livetec team arrived at a farm in County Cavan in Northern Ireland in response to a bird flu outbreak which was affecting over 6,500 broiler breeder hens.
Low pathogenic avian flu confirmed on poultry farm
Bird flu detected at commercial chicken farm in Mid Suffolk. The low-path H5 strain detected on site has forced a restricted 1km zone to be put in place.
Clinks Care Farm
Find out how Livetec has helped community farms, like Clinks Care to understand the importance of biosecurity to reduce the risks of a disease outbreak.
Automated Containerised Gassing Units
We have been working hard to turn our Containerised Gassing Units fully automated, meaning all of Livetec’s systems can be operated at the touch of a button.